the perfect end to a crazy year

Eleven weeks...eleven weeks and this is all still so surreal.  God has entrusted me to carry a child; He has entrusted Eric and I to raise a little one to know and love Him.  What a huge journey this is going to be!  I know there are lots of things to think about:  Home or hospital birth?  Which of the 2479080 stroller options do we pick?  How will work fit into this whole equation?  Who can I trust to help raise my child during the week?  Yes, there is a lot to figure out.  But for now, I'm just allowing myself to bask in God's incredible glory, and I'm thanking him daily for giving me six more months to figure all of the rest out.

This entry was posted on Friday, December 2, 2011 and is filed under ,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

5 Responses to “the perfect end to a crazy year”

  1. Love you guys so much and could't be happier for you two! God entrusted the both of you, because you are two of his amazing children, and are going to be amazing parents! I love being able to swap stories with you!

  2. Oh my!! I'm so excited for you! Congratulations!!

  3. I am so happy for you guys and your little one will be blessed to have good Christ loving parents! I look forward to reading more about your journey through pregnancy and parenting.

  4. God entrusted with you two with such an important job because he KNOWS you can handle it. Even if you don't feel like it right now, I'm sure everything will fall into place and you're going to make incredible parents! The fact that you're keeping God first is the best indication of that. And even though your little one's arrival is still 6 months away, I'm already looking forward to the pictures and stories. :)

  5. Congratulations! Children bring so much to our lives. Honestly, the best thing to do is to rely on God to know how to raise them. SO excited for you!
