Three Weeks with Lucy

I can't believe three weeks have already passed since Lucy joined our family, and that I've allowed the time to pass without documenting her first weeks of life.  Chalk keeping track of memories up as one more thing to learn to fit into this new routine of ours.

So much change has happened in the weeks since Lucy's birth, and yet somehow, it seems like not enough has changed.  I find myself stuck somewhere between wanting her to get to the point that she can begin responding to us and not wanting this stage to end.  I love midnight feedings, but I wouldn't mind so much if we could eliminate one of the subsequent feedings that comes around two or four o'clock.  I would love to be able to get more done around the house in a day, but I will be sad to see our mid-morning snuggly naps come to an end.  I can't wait for smiles and laughs, but I know these will also bring about the end to newborn grunts and squeaks.  I am enjoying this stage of life with Lucy, but it's nice to know that when it is over, I will have the next stage to look forward to as well.

A little recap of this third week of life:

Size:  Still a peanut, but a growing peanut - weighing in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. and measuring 20 inches, Lucy is now in the 19th percentile for weight and the 24th percentile for length.

Sleep schedule:  We get three hours usually at the beginning of the night, and two hours between subsequent feedings.  She is still having some trouble learning day from night, sleeping most of the day and wanting to be really alert when she wakes for nighttime feedings, but at least it's not taking me as long now to get her back to sleep.

Special moments:  Lucy's Lolly (my mom) came to visit again this week for a few days.  I love that my mom's school job allows her time to keep us company in the middle of the week throughout this summer.  She is so good to both of us, and it's hard to have to say goodbye when she leaves again.  Lucy also got to meet a third great grandma this week (my mom's mom), and some of my cousins.

Challenges:  We are still working on nursing - I am overproducing, and a lot of times, Lucy ends up sputtering and choking, which then leads to her not wanting to nurse anymore.  I am hoping my body works this out soon so all of our feedings can be as great as our good ones are.

Lucy also got a tooth this week, and she has another on the way.  I know it sounds crazy, but it appears to be a neonatal (aka "milk") tooth, which will most likely have to be pulled due to its shallow roots, which can present a choking hazard should it fall out on its own.  We have an appointment with a pediatric dentist in the coming weeks, where we will learn more.

Highlights:  Watching Lucy and Eric fall in love with each other has been such a blessing for this mama.  She snuggles up so peacefully on his chest every night and he reads to her from the book of Psalms.  I can already see where this one is heading, and I will happily take a backseat to my husband in Lucy's eyes if it means that she has a strong spiritual leader that will demonstrate the qualities that she should search for in a husband someday.

This entry was posted on Monday, July 2, 2012. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

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